Volunteers are vital to the work of Headway Glasgow. In fact, we would not function as we want to without our volunteers. They carry out a range of supportive roles including:
- Assisting at various groups such as the Monday: Drop In, Tuesday Art and Wednesday Writing groups
- Contributing to fundraising activities
- Helping with administrative, financial or IT related tasks
- Serving on the Headway Glasgow Board
Some people volunteer regularly for a few hours per week and others as and when they can.
Volunteers work together with the staff and members of Headway Glasgow to maximise opportunities for people to regain skills or develop new ones, and move towards reintegration into the community with renewed confidence.
This is Alan, one of our volunteers, talking about what he gets out of volunteering with Headway Glasgow…
Getting involved with people who have sustained brain injuries and taking the opportunity to develop and use your own skills, can make a big difference to the effectiveness of the whole team here at Headway Glasgow.

The staff at Headway Glasgow can offer:
a comprehensive induction and training programme
an opportunity to work in a caring environment
an opportunity for involvement in a developing organisation
There are many ways you might be able to help. If you would like to be involved in any way. Why not contact us by phone, email or express your interest using our Get in touch form.
Volunteer Update:
Our current method of recruitment is to offer three sessions of training and then to proceed with our recruitment process (forms and references) for those people who complete training and who are available to volunteer at the times our groups run.
We will not be able to recruit everyone who wishes to volunteer with us as we have more offers that we have volunteer places- but we will be able to offer everyone who attends a training certificate which might be useful to you in future. The three sessions of training will be held on Friday Mornings in July 2016 (and will last 1 and a half to 2 hours each) The sessions are:
- Brain Injury Awareness
- Safety and Risk
- Boundaries in volunteering.
If you are interested in getting involved please let us know by emailing info@headwayglasgow.co.uk