Our Board is elected annually at the Annual General Meeting. It consists of a number of officers – Chair, Secretary, Treasurer – and ordinary members, some of whom have particular roles or areas of interest. You can read about the roles of Committee officers in this document – Roles of Officers in the Committee. While not formally a member of the Board, our Project Co-ordinator attends all the meetings. Board members are people with ABI, carers, family members and others who bring specific experience, knowledge and skills. The Board meets monthly throughout the year to consider and make decisions on issues relating to Headway Glasgow groups, staff, volunteers, accommodation, activities, finance and many other topics that arise.
“…being on the Board, I get to see the workings of Headway”
From time to time, the Board will set up sub-committees or groups to consider or advise on specific points, for example, our accommodation or fundraising. Board members may occasionally be asked or offer to attend and report back on meetings or events that have a bearing on Headway Glasgow.
Current Board members: Currently going through new board members
Chair : TBA
Vice-chair Maria Burnett
Treasurer : Gus Smeats
Secretary : TBA
CBT Psychotherapist: Catherine Newman
If, as a member of Headway Glasgow, you would like to see the workings of the Board you are welcome to come to any meeting as an observer. If you would like to play your part on the Board, please express your interest to a member of staff.