Brain Injury Discussion Group

Due to a large drop in BRIDG group attendance, (which is required to make the meetings successful), the current sessions generally held the second Thursday of the month will not be available until further notice. This will be reviewed at a later date.

The Brain Injury Discussion Group (BRIDG) met once a month on Zoom from 6pm to 7pm to focus on one aspect of brain injury. The topic was wide and varied and included things like Memory, Confidence, Relationships, Work, and Personal Goals. People involved would come along and share their experiences with each other. This was done using a mixture of short activities and discussion. One of the main rules agreed was that one person speaks at a time to give everyone a fair chance to be heard.

The Group was open to Carers and People with Brain Injury. The group attendance was usually between 7 or 9 people each month but has dropped to around 2 which is why it has been dropped for the time being.

Should you require any information on the group, please contact us on , or phone us on 0141 332 8878.